Other > Suggestions

~cuttheveins command with more then 0HP

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Absolutelely! Sometimes I miss dying when I dont encounter any badass npcs on my way, the hell not!


--- Quote from: Quentin Lang on June 18, 2010, 10:54:44 am ---I voted for I like this idea. The second one.

--- End quote ---

It was a hard decision between second and fourth, I'm sure.

But really, (at author) you just give a very vague reason for this suggestion. At what times could this even be applied? You are fighting your opponent until one of you are at -0 HP, and then there already is that command.

I guess it could be good if you make the command work only in cities so that you can't just use this every time you spawn in a bad place, but I don't see the point of it in combat.

Edit: Okay after seeing what vedaras said about the "TB trap", I say that it should only apply to a turn-based random encounter, no where else, if anything at all. Then again, why would someone go in a trap like that other than expecting to get spawn-killed?

Quentin Lang:

--- Quote from: Surf Solar on June 18, 2010, 09:33:13 am ---I like the polls options..
Also this looks like a topic created while being drunk. ;) I edited your topic title tho'.

--- End quote ---
What was the original topic title? :D

i think it was commando

The problem is the power to be teleported with the "random respawn feature". ( Or maybe the problem is the "random respawn feature"? :p )


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