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Server down?

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Fah Q:
I can't log in either.

Use forum search before opening new threads.

Yes, server is down due to maintenance. It should work again in some minutes.


--- Quote from: Fah Q on January 28, 2010, 05:58:23 pm ---I can't log in either.

--- End quote ---

Glad were not the only ones. :P

Edit: Sorry Lexx, I'll search next time.

Edit 2: Since I'm bored, and I just stumbled upon the worlds greatest dog from one of Lexxs posts. I have to share him with everyone:

I know it's offtopic.. But come on.. look at him for crying out loud! if that doesn't put a smile on your face, I don't know what will  :P


--- Quote from: Aricvomit on January 14, 2010, 10:12:08 am ---@runboy
this thread needs to be closed its pointless.

--- End quote ---

why? If Fallout isnt working you can check this topic and you'll know for certain that there's a server maintenance or something else going on. Better one large topic then many small ones stating each serverdowntime


--- Quote from: Yamcha on January 28, 2010, 06:01:29 pm ---why? If Fallout isnt working you can check this topic and you'll know for certain that there's a server maintenance or something else going on. Better one large topic then many small ones stating each serverdowntime

--- End quote ---

For what? We already have the server status message thingy. It doesn't matter why actually the server is down, as long as it shows you "Online" or "Offline".


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