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Server down?

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Well i just wasted about an hour. :( Thought i would try out Fonline since i loved the first and second game, and would be able to play with friends. downloaded it, and kept on thinking i did something wrong. When i hit done under the registration page it gives me a loading screen that never loads, same thing with the login. Im not sure if this is normal for when a server is offline. And whats this updater everyone is talking about? In the files i got when i downloaded it there is no updater application. Anyone know when it will be online?

Server is up.

You can now login noobs :)

But what about updater server?

Yes Fonline server is open now,but updater don't work

Same error than yesterday.

Begin checking...... (about 1 minute) and then
Can't connect to update server.
Checking end.

Updater is broken maybe?


--- Quote from: bageljester on January 08, 2010, 09:22:34 am ---. And whats this updater everyone is talking about? In the files i got when i downloaded it there is no updater application. Anyone know when it will be online?

--- End quote ---

It's on the Blog page : http://fonline2238.blogspot.com/, right hand side, about 2/3's of the way down under "Update tool" . Just download it and extract it to your fonline folder.

Are updater server and Game server same thing?


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