Other > General Game Discussion
Server down?
I must've picked a horrible time to try this game out, first i couldn't update, now i can't get ingame.
yeah apparently anyone that could do something about it is totally asleep, cause if the whole server was fried we wouldnt be able to get on the forums.
We must prey for the devs good health and safety or horrible thing as this may happen!
Yeah it pisses me off that no-one ever gives out any information about server crashes...Anyrthing would be nice... even a rough estimate, or is it a crash or an update...should we be exited about new quests and NPC's etc or should we worry about wipes...the wait is so frustrating.
Cheesus Krighst:
This displeases the Cheesus Krighst to the farthest extremities! I hope they fix the server :( i wanted to hang out in the base and poke a shovel at the brahmin's head... <:(
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