Other > General Game Discussion
FOnline: 2238 Wiki
Wiki is unlocked and you do need to register to edit stuff.
Well, at least for me.
--- Quote from: Wiki-Boy 2000 ---20:57, 8 January 2010 Izual (Talk | contribs) changed group membership for User:Reconite from (none) to Confirmed
--- End quote ---
I think Getting Started need something...
General questions and answers
Like this:
Q: How i can get fibres?
A: You need knife and you need outdoorman skill to 40 (don't remember)
Q: How i can check basic in-game commands?
A: Press F1
Q: How to Open bank account?
A: You must get town and go to bank. then ask banker to open account (you need 100 caps to open it)
These maybe already in Advices for beginners.
--- Quote from: crunchtag on February 05, 2010, 04:34:24 am ---(source)
--- End quote ---
Wow, there any point in this thread encouraging people to add to the wiki if there's only a select amount who can?
If you want to contribute, then join #2238wiki, as written on the main wiki page.
Also, vandalism isn't the only reason for the wiki locking, in fact most of people just do very small edits, like one line for towns, and it's impossible to check everything by then and to see which articles are really done. We are then adding most of the pages to the wiki, so that users only have to add some informations, not to format the page (Updating work and not writing work, if you know what I mean).
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