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The Sarmatians Recruiting

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we might have it baned am not sure. i dont know that stuff.

Yes, it's quite popular to just ban - mostly colorful notice appears, once you press that button. Really cool stuff. :)
   It would be nice, if you had some kind of guide how to use IRC client in oder to reach your channel, instead of telling people: "I do not know. It works for me." Not my business, but in my opinion it's better not to post at all. Another thing, it's quite rare to meet someone evincing that minimum of self-help.

i also cannot get there....

If you look at the wiki it will kind of tell you how to get to the fonline IRC

basically you're connecting to the forestnet.org server and the port given in the wiki. After that you want to join channel #2238, then join #tsar or whatever other channels. I use mIRC, it seems to work pretty well and it's free (at least the old version I've got). You should be able to just search for "irc" on the wiki to get the exact servername and port because I'm too lazy to look it up :P

irc is usually a pain to get set up, but it's easy to use once you figure it out...

http://fo2238.fodev.net/wiki/IRC pick one  ;)


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