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Fallout Online

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--- Quote from: Sius on July 28, 2010, 01:12:59 pm ---Well they can make some real money on this game thanks to F3 but I don't think the money will be worth it. There are simply too many good MMOs coming and I doubt that theirs FOnline will bring anything new to the market. MMOs like TERA, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Secret World and Guild Wars 2 will rule the internet when they are out. Especially GW2 with their "singleplayer" subscription.

--- End quote ---

True, KOTOR online (as some guys use to call it) will rule ! But... Talking about Fallout Online, it just won't be worth it. Last Fallout games were bad, indeed : Fallout:BOS, Fallout 3, soon New Vegas that I'm not sure to like, and now Fallout Online. Names of Fallout's original developers won't be enough to convince me it's a good game. Even if look at it regardless of Fallout 1 & 2 experience, it won't be as good as the other MMOs that you quoted. And if we look at Fallout 1 & 2, and then at Fallout Online... Well... If it isn't similar to FOnline - at least in graphics - it will be bad :P

I enjoy to hear news about Interplay & his Fallout Online. I can't wait for this game. FOnline is the best mod for Fallout, but we must know this is only mod...

FOnline is not a mod of Fallout.

So how it works legaly and legaly uses maps, names, textures, plot etc. from oryginal Fallout? It works as mod, another way is excluded by the copyrights & law.

You are clearly confused about the meaning of the term game mod. FOnline is written from scratch, it's completely different engine. Just because it uses some dat files of Fallout to display the same graphics that Fallout had doesn't make it Fallout mod.


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