Other > Suggestions

In-game Options Screen


I know this is probably already planned, along with 3d characters and other goodies I've seen in the tech demos, but I thought I'd mention a few things that I'd like to see on there.

A.  Real-time/Turn-based combat - So we can switch modes easilly.
B.  Always Run - Very important, and is not implemented right now at all.  I'm tired of holding down shift.
C.  Changing default FOV, Range, and Name display - These features are already in the game, but you have to turn them on every time.


--- Quote from: Jeoshua on June 16, 2010, 03:36:31 pm ---I know this is probably already planned, along with 3d characters and other goodies I've seen in the tech demos, but I thought I'd mention a few things that I'd like to see on there.

A.  Real-time/Turn-based combat - So we can switch modes easilly.
B.  Always Run - Very important, and is not implemented right now at all.  I'm tired of holding down shift.
C.  Changing default FOV, Range, and Name display - These features are already in the game, but you have to turn them on every time.

--- End quote ---

I agree also

Yes to an in-game options screen with these and probably other options.

As for point B, you can run by double clicking. No need using shift.

Shift clicking saves precious time, and you still can't run up when using an attack (but that has already been deeply discussed).

I agree with this too because when i am fighting a bunch of encounters, sometimes Real-time is better and sometimes Turn-based is better, depending on what I am fighting.

Yes, we can just exit out of the game go to FOconfig and change it every single time we want to do something different, but that is a pain and I wish we could change it from the actual game (while not in an encounter, of course).

And the third is less important but still could be useful and less annoying too. At least you can toggle it on and off it in the game.  :P

My thoughts exactly Abe.

Any other ideas on things that really should be in the options screen? We already know it's going to be implemented eventually, so why not put down ideas of things that we need now, while it's still in the works?


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