Other > Suggestions

Ideas for bounty board

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--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on June 15, 2010, 08:38:59 pm ---Then set a maximum bounty amount?  Not realistic but would solve problem.

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What do you mean ? On a character or per character ? Players will create alts to place bounties on other players' heads, or they will just place bounty on everyone if they can't place more than one bouty on one enemy. If you mean "maximym bounty amount for all server" (50 bounties at a time, when one is completed, you can place another one), then it can also be broken by placing bounties on unplayed characters to make sure no one will ever place a bounty anymore.


--- Quote from: Izual on June 15, 2010, 08:48:14 pm ---What do you mean ? On a character or per character ? Players will create alts to place bounties on other players' heads, or they will just place bounty on everyone if they can't place more than one bouty on one enemy. If you mean "maximym bounty amount for all server" (50 bounties at a time, when one is completed, you can place another one), then it can also be broken by placing bounties on unplayed characters to make sure no one will ever place a bounty anymore.

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I mean lets say minimum bounty placeable is 5k

then the maximum is 30k.

each cap is half a second.

30000 divided by 2 = 15000

15000 divided by 60 = 25 minutes in jail.

Quentin Lang:
Player A killed player B.
Player B told that to his faction - ''Faction B''.
Faction B of 30 members, each set bounty on player A.
Player A is ruined and cant be played anymore.
2nd scenario:
Player A manages to be patient enough and goes trough all the bounties.
Faction B sets new bounties...
3rd scenario:
Limited ammount of bounties set by a player.
Faction B creates 20 alts and sets 20 bounties on player A.
Fucking ridiculous and retarded idea. Especially about loosing level. Bounty system cant work in a game like this. Live with it.


--- Quote from: Quentin Lang on June 15, 2010, 09:31:00 pm ---Player A killed player B.
Player B told that to his faction - ''Faction B''.
Faction B of 30 members, each set bounty on player A.
Player A is ruined and cant be played anymore.
2nd scenario:
Player A manages to be patient enough and goes trough all the bounties.
Faction B sets new bounties...
3rd scenario:
Limited ammount of bounties set by a player.
Faction B creates 20 alts and sets 20 bounties on player A.
Fucking ridiculous and retarded idea. Especially about loosing level. Bounty system cant work in a game like this. Live with it.

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If my added suggestion was implemented it wouldnt be THAT bad for one and two maybe only one bounty for each person at a time, and three they still have to hunt the bastard down over and over again every time.

Also if Bounty Faction was added only they could cause the effect of being put in jail and taking the reward so...

And if one person gets pissed at someone is a whole gang really gonna invest hundreds of thousands of caps just to inconvenience someone.  One person throws some caps down to get revenge on one person seems much more likely. 
And I agree

--- Quote from: John.Metzger on June 15, 2010, 08:45:48 pm ---getting xp isnt harsh. loosing xp isnĀ“t harsh.

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