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Beginners Guides Competition!
goddammit, forgot to spellcheck everything...
Dylan Fraser:
--- Quote from: Izual on July 01, 2010, 12:17:55 pm ---The contest is closed. Jury will now start to work and decide who are the 9 winners. We will try to be fast, though it's certainly a matter of days (1-2 weeks, maybe).
--- End quote ---
Glad I saw that, or I would've stayed awake even longer!
New player:
In the next competition put some caps
--- Quote from: New player on July 01, 2010, 04:20:13 pm ---In the next competition put some caps
--- End quote ---
You can sell Power Armor for caps :)
many, many, many, many caps, in fact, I'd go as far as to say a PA is worth 3 abandoned bunkers worth of caps, and a hardened PA is worth twice as much.
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