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Beginners Guides Competition!

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Ahh well, just thought id mention it because it was of great help to me even since i was having trouble finding good
leveling spots and getting enough caps to cover all the losses.

best guides already writen long times ago, and noone want reveal their secrets. why needed topic for copy+pastWiki and plagiarism old guides? just give rewards people, who write and update his own old guides)

Imho prices should alter a bit. 1st of all I don't understand why 2nd price comes with 3x craftable item while 1st and 3rd with 2x. Anyway my suggestions is this:

1st place
3x craftable item
50k exp

2nd place
2x craftable item
30k exp

3rd place
Hardened PA
1x craftable item
20k exp

While each car comes with loads of fuel.

Lucky roll
PA + one of these: bozar/gaus/pulse/vindicator
10k exp

Lucky roll should be price based purely on luck. When the competition is over each guide author will get into lottery no matter how many guides did he wrote and one lucky guy will come out of this with lucky roll prices.


--- Quote from: levi2ki on June 14, 2010, 07:39:53 pm ---best guides already writen long times ago, and noone want reveal their secrets. why needed topic for copy+pastWiki and plagiarism old guides? just give rewards people, who write and update his own old guides)

--- End quote ---

There are few good guides out there but even those best lack some "insight" info. Most of these guides would be under "getting started" while crafting or pvp has shitload of things to write about but they are nowhere. Afaik there are no guides that show you how to actually play ingame. There is no leveling guide, what guns to use on what ocasions, how to roll your crafter, what to craft if you want to trade with it, whats not worth the mats etc... current guides show you how to do thing but they don't tell you what things are good to do and what things are waste of time. And thats the kind of guide that any noobie is looking for.

Are these guides going to be strictly GM/Dev judged or are the players going to judge as well?


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