Other > Closed suggestions

limit shouting

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For some reason some annoying people trying to sell stuff find it necessary to spam the trade channel.
Even with the expanded chat window (F5 key), all you see is there message.

Can the use of shouting be limited a bit?
Perhaps by adding a cooldown of 1 minute after 5 shout messages within an x amount of time.

What about making symbols/minute limit based on speech skill? ^_^
With high speech skill you can spam whole day, 1 CH non-tagged speech skill and you'll need to wait between long messages.

Oh cool a new "Spam in NCR barter alt" it is then?

I know that those people can be quite annoying, so I think there should be some sort of limit.
but, it shouldn't be 5 to one minute. Maybe after you have done like 6 shouts in row, you can only do them once every 20 seconds for like two minutes, and then repeat cycle.


--- Quote from: Dishonest Abe on June 13, 2010, 07:51:04 pm ---Oh cool a new "Spam in NCR barter alt" it is then?

I know that those people can be quite annoying, so I think there should be some sort of limit.
but, it shouldn't be 5 to one minute. Maybe after you have done like 6 shouts in row, you can only do them once every 20 seconds for like two minutes, and then repeat cycle.

--- End quote ---

This is more reasonable as shouting is also used when out of line of sight in groups.

Oh also now that you mentioned the FoV and shouting, I think that if a spamming-cap were ever implemented, it should only apply to guarded cities, or at least it shouldn't apply in bases or random encounters.


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