Other > Suggestions
Sneak vs Sniper
--- Quote from: MCCloak on June 17, 2010, 12:40:53 pm ---With 10 PE, you will see 300% sneak char 45 hexes far from you if he is coming from front, 30 hexes if he is coming front-side, 15 hexes from back-side and 3 hexes from back. So, what overpower are you talking about?
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lol those are old stats on the wiki, my 300 sneak char is a ghost past 3 hex
i really dont mind sneaking, and i dont mind grenades. But when put togheter there is really no defense against them.
I fought countless pks using sneak to get in range, then owning me.
Dont get me wrong, i dont mind getting owned either, i died and lost fortunes to pking - such is the hazard, and i embrace it.
But it's no fun getting killed by grenades. You spend all your combat time on your back, cannot run or shoot back, unless in combat armor.
I have 8 PE on my sniper and i NEVER, repet NEVER spotted a grenadier at any range. I even ran around in circles to scan all the area when i knew there was such a dude around, to no avail.
So i do not dispute what you are saying, that sneak is fine and shouldn't be nerfed. But there seems to be a faulty mechanic at work here if i cannot spot the dude that i SHOULD spot. Bug/exploit? Dunno, but it seems im not the only one.
300% sneak from the front is 225%. 225%/6 = 37.5 taken away from view. Pe 10 is normally 50 hex viewing range, so Pe 10 seeing a 300% Sneak char from the front @ 12.5 hexes
--- Quote from: Solar on June 17, 2010, 08:18:21 pm ---300% sneak from the front is 225%. 225%/6 = 37.5 taken away from view. Pe 10 is normally 50 hex viewing range, so Pe 10 seeing a 300% Sneak char from the front @ 12.5 hexes
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Like the range of grenade is 15, it mean you see him too late, even from front with 10PE ;p
I see nothing wrong with being able to get into Gren range with 300% sneak and wearing no armour. (I still don't like 2 AP knockdowns, but its nothing to do with sneak)
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