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Is there a point where this game becomes fun?

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--- Quote from: U231 on June 13, 2010, 11:18:42 pm ---I personally like the part when you first start to play and you are against impossible odds. Once it gets easy, it gets boring.

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yea the wipes are the most interesting imo, that includes the days leading to the wipe,final days of the wipe,wipe day,and then the few days or weeks when everybody is starting fresh. yo want fun? First decide good or evil? The solo or non-solo.Both are doable and lead to many neat things.


--- Quote from: iiitachiii on June 13, 2010, 11:11:02 pm ---Why you say that?

I enjoy the game.

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cause hes such a troll he should live under a bridge.


--- Quote from: Aricvomit on June 14, 2010, 04:49:23 am ---cause hes such a troll he should live under a bridge.

--- End quote ---

aren't all forum heroes lives under a bridge with their notebook's?

I'm having a blast. Have not played long-- but like it so far. Even when somene steals from me I just shrug it off and go back to work. Fact it, if Fallout were a real setting people would beat you down for your stuff any chance they get or simply steal it from you. Sure, it can be annoying when the same person kills you or steals from you several times in a roll-- just remember there are more towns than one to go to.

I've seen a lot of people just hanging out in NCR begging for free stuff-- come back hours later and they are still their begging while I've been off earning caps. I think it is clear this game is not for those who beg and whine. You'd be better off helping someone if you want a hand out. One guy gave me metal armor just because I found him on the ground almost dead and healed him so he could get up. Sure, I could have let him die and took his stuff-- but then he would probably hunt me down every chance he gets.  So be tactful.

The most I can offer-- as I've not played long and don't know the ropes yet-- you should spend your time crafting in order to trade for better stuff or caps. Make sure to have a bank account! Don't rant about how stupid cleaning up crap is-- just do it. Chances are most of the people you see had to spend time doing that at one point or the other unless they already had ingame friends to help them.

Thats all I can think of.

*Powers up Balhatain*

Oh and about the tips on what you should start out doing first thing to make the caps you need to get off to a good start. I agree with the minerals suggestion but add the next step. Make 10mm or shotgun shells [no profession required and earns 100xp per]. With only 2 charisma I am able to sell them for max [9 caps ea] to one of the merchants [I wont say who for obvious reasons]. You craft 50 shells at a time using 6 minerals and 1 metal part. My first hour of playing I had a tent simply from mining one time [12 minerals and 2 ores] crafting 100 shells, selling them for 900 caps and shoveling some shit for the rest of the money, then I banked the money, stood in NCR and offered to buy 10 hides for 1k caps. Within minutes someone offered to sell them and now I have my tent! So simple.

For some reason though this merchant stopped trading with me now all of a sudden, not sure why. When I choose barter it just closes the dialog window completely. Maybe I exploited her too much? *shrugs* Oh well, point is there are always great opportunities lurking about, you just have to keep your eye out for them and think outside the box sometimes. That is part of the fun for me.


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