Other > Suggestions

NPC buying by barter

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I just came up with an idea to solve the problem with caps and overfilled shops:

1) You can acquire professions, mercs or whatever from NPCs in exchange for your scrap. So lets say you dont have 1500 caps so you pick an option "I have something for you" and you trade your things for the total sum lets say a combat shotgun + whatever to be above 1500 and click trade like giving, the merchant accepts and gives you what you requested

2) You acquire professions for a favour - the seller ask you to bring you something of a value to him so lets say armorer for lvl 1 would like to get you 10 golden gecko skins or 10 radios etc. The lvl gunsmith maybe ten 9mm mausers from raiders (from encounters only). I dont know about the mutants for 35k :D I guess it would be good for lower/less cost profession.

The thing is that theres no caps in the market, they respawn rarely and are bought by 1-2 people at once. This way (2nd idea is better for me) some useless junk would vanish from the shops. Criticism time!

Edit: tl, dr: What I meant is to acquire professions via delivering certain items for that profession (lets say Gunsmith profession trainer could accept 10mm pistols, 2 shotguns and 200 slugs for a profession 1 (just example).

maybe by speech since it is much more useless than barter :> but idea is interesting :>

Or, if you will buy a mercenary then cash from that transaction will be in NCR vendors (not as soon as you will buy him but after 30min-2h)

I'm loving this idea.  No seriously, like the ncr mercenary recruiter will take certain items, such as radios smallguns etc.... Mutant will take bigguns, e.g. Mutant with minigun 3 miniguns?..... meh.  You should be able to choose whether you pay for the weapon or just the mercenary tbh.

I don't like the idea of trading all of your useless crap for professions and such.
But favors asking for specific items would make things better. For professions, books, maybe mercs. Bases should still require caps, but doing a specific favor to reduce the price of the base seems reasonable.

We could also use more repeatable quests (like the ones for booze and junk) to remove things like radios, gecko skins, broc/xander. 200xp and some kind of armor seems to be a good reward.


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