Other > Suggestions

Npc's and their critical chance.

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6 EN 6 LK on the char who got mauled by the raiders using spears, crippled and constantly knocked out as i already mentioned.


I have 12 AP and still got pretty owned by 1 marauder. god bless he didnt burst xD Always crits. Im always on TBC so I can run off a little but still knocks me down and knocks out. 12AP 7PE L6 E6

this is getting just ridiculous, leather armor mk2 , 6 EN and 2x toughness and i died to 2 regular robbers.
One with the shotgun and then the pistol chick, they just keep giving me crit after crit and knocking me down and even got the
knocked out and knocked down TWICE.

If this starts heading down the path where you HAVE to have live people partying with you
then thats just stupid, i for example dont want to party anyone aside from around 2 people who are in same small faction.
Still even then we cant party always, and we mostly group up to do bigger runs like HQ mining or quests

If i cant even beat low tier human opponents with that setup then is only way to survive regular raiders and robbers in BA armor with LSW or minigun ?
because thats something i cant afford to use just for killing low tier stuff (and dont own those anyway)

If you played in real time you would not get owned, because mobs do nothnig some time after loading, its almost always enough to run and its waaay faster.

If every hit they do knocks me down it still does kill me, knocked out and knocked down basically means i wont be moving for quite sometime.
Ohh now i also died again to regular stuff, this time with metal armor on me.

If someone with toughness x2 and metal armor loses so easily to those robbers and raiders, how do those lower levels with 4EN
and really low tier gear manage ? yeah they dont.
Starting a CH char with bad gear was hard enough already as it was, even more so now.

*EDIT* also running away from everything sure doesnt sound fun, i tried to kill those robbers for the gear so i could sell them.


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