Other > Closed suggestions

Donation Items


I think this game could really use some incentives to donate.  While this game (due to the fact that most of its content is copywrited) cannot be used commercially, you can offer 'gifts' for donating.  The 'gifts' could be something thats usually able to be found ingame, or maybe even something that isnt (such as power armour or gauss rifles, though i like the game without them).  but more importantly, it could involve things like respawning mercs/items, or guns that dont deteriorate.  not stuff that would make a person unkillable, but things that would make things a bit easier, or make it quicker for a person to get back on their feet when killed.

so come on people, things you like, dont like, additions, revisions even hate mail is appreciated

what do you think is this?farmville?

to offreg gifts to other players=>1 person ca nupgrade 2 caracters,giving gifts t othem

i think is a unbalanced ,bad and easely to abuse ideea

it was answered 1000 times by devs, no "gifts" or anything will be given, thats why it is donations not payments not anything. You pay cause you like this game and server and you want to contribute for its upkeep not because you want gifts.
And use search next time, there are many similar topics and answers in all are same.


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