Other > Faction Announcements

The Judgement Day Club AKA: Dead Frontier!

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Can i Join your Faction ? I am lvl 16 Small gunner Prof 3

We now have our own forum, check it out and join its instant. We'll be using it alot so keep in touch with it!

If your lookin' to join, post there please! It's way easier to keep track of the constant amount of new recruits we get every single day!

Bump! The Judgement Day Club is just getting started! We have now reached our level 3 crafting goals and have endless supplies of BrotherHood Armour!

TJDC still lives! And we are always recruiting!

We use our Forum. So use it too. Don't worry its not full of sensitive info or anything like that lol, its a freakin internet forum used to keep gang members connected and organized. If you create an account and don't post anything in 24 hours it gets deleted. If you don't use MSN you won't get admission into the gang base. We might recruit you but you will not be promoted. We have a completely new system & COC, read about it on the forum. Joining TJDC costs caps but you will get 10x the worth of your caps in gear and support. You might even get your caps back once you get admission to the base.

We are NOT recruiting players with a bad time zone in comparison to our -5 GMT.  Lol bad experience, besides if you cant play during our peak hours then this really isn't the gang for you. We work together and are ALWAYS in a group of atleast 3 guys in B.A and Lvl3 Gear. But since we had a rat/ mole recently we've turned into a bunch of systematic nazi's. No we won't be killing Jews... but all items must be requisitioned from a corporal, who asks the lieutenants, who asks the Generals, who ask Alucardis.

Unlimited amounts of tents will be provided for you so long as you keep your tents near and around our base. We will be forced to have access to them but we will drop off a lot of random gear once in a while to keep you loaded for hunting.

Again check out our forum for more details. If your looking to spy have fun you won't find much and its a long and vigorous path to promotions within TJDC, where one must slowly rise up the ranks and earn his title of Dead Frontier. The most badass of all Frontiers! And a huge internet clan of over 50 people worldwide.
 Sounds good?! Ofcourse it does Dead Frontier has a gooddamn good charismatic leader! Hooooahhhh!

We have now relocated near NCR.


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