Other > Events
Landing event #1
Dammit why am I never online when these awesome fucking events are happening??? :'(
We need an event during U.S. Midday sometime.
--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on June 06, 2010, 04:30:16 pm ---Dammit why am I never online when these awesome fucking events are happening??? :'(
We need an event during U.S. Midday sometime.
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Hah i missed it to :P I hope there will be remake soon ;]
And the video of it is here !
Quentin Lang:
Good that this one wasnt laggy like others after 1st minute. But i had a little problem while being there. I did wrong chosing my SG burster char for this event instead of any other; after first, like, 10 minutes and 2-3 deaths you just couldn't find any P90's anymore. NONE. Ground is full with CA, miniguns, rockets, especially snipers and EW, but i couldnt find any P90. OR 10mm ammo. I tried hard, dont tell me there were many of em, i just couldnt find em cause there were nearly none. Anyway, im glad that the after-respawn weakened problem got finally fixed by spawning tons of superstimpaks. Was a nice event, would be even more if i had more time, had to go away in middle of it.
OK, we'll try to spawn some P90 mercs, that should solve the problem. For the lags, we're not responsible at all, so it looks like it's random ;p
RJ : Some ammunitions were a problem, but which exactly ? .223 ? I don't know which mercs Jovanka spawned, but I spawned some Laser/Sniper/Miniguns/Rockets ones, so I thought those ammo wouldn't be rare.
--- Quote from: RJ on June 06, 2010, 04:09:30 pm ---Also those poles that were supposed to be giving cover were a bit irritaiting but later when we go on open area that didn't bother me anymore.
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They were landing obstacles ! :D
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