Other > Suggestions
New Ways To Get 7.62mm
--- Quote from: Solar on June 06, 2010, 10:37:00 am ---People use Lasers and Plasmas. Next update will bring improvements to 7.62mm which should see the FN FAL and m60 used.
The only other place 7.62mm could be allowed to be crafted in would be NCR/Rangers, if and when we put them in the game.
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still biggest problem is not hard crafting of them but that hard crafting doesnt pay off in fight. 223 is way better ammo even now and crafting of it is still simple + (weapons like lsw > m60) and since all pvp players wants to reach maximum effectiveness 7.62 still wont help in that ^^
I think 7.62mm weapons are pretty decent now. We shall see.
--- Quote from: Solar on June 06, 2010, 11:08:45 pm ---I think 7.62mm weapons are pretty decent now. We shall see.
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Ok we can compare :>
Both miniguns shot 10 bullets so we can compare only 1 bullet average damage done for calculations to be easier
M60 - 18 - 26 damage so 22 average damage. 7.62 mm increases it by 11/10 amount and -10% to dr so we get total average damage for one bullet which is equal to 22 * 11/10= 24.2 + 10% from dr so 26.62.
LSW - 20 - 30 damage so 25 average damage. damage is increased by -20% dr from 223 ammo, so 25 +20% from dr is 30.
So both guns fire 10 bullets, lsw does 3.38 damage more on average (and 33.8 more per one burst) then m60, and m60 bullets are harder to craft. So you still think people will use m60? :>
Depends if we are talking in the era of LSW dropping everywhere or not, considering they are not craftable.
--- Quote from: Solar on June 07, 2010, 12:06:22 am ---Depends if we are talking in the era of LSW dropping everywhere or not, considering they are not craftable.
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well then i can say that avengers are craftable and they are better than both of these miniguns mentioned before ^^ In my opinion, if you are willing to introduce gun into game and make it popular which has some harder to get ways for ammo for example, then it needs to be just better or better in some situations like perk penetrate or something for it dunno ^^ otherwise i dont see the situation in weapons usage changing :>
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