Other > Suggestions

New Ways To Get 7.62mm

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Mr Feltzer:
HEy, I Know Everyone HATES Having to Go Down or Up to Sierra To Make there Ammo, And probably get messed up by the Bots :P

Im Suggesting a New way to get 7.62mm, Possible a Special ToolKit Required or The Machine,
The ToolKit would have Image of SuperToolkit Except it Allows the Creation of 7.62mm.

It Should cost Aroud 5K In Shops, What Do yas Think?

i think that idea sucks :/  since it should be advantage for staying in raiders faction ( maybe only bos could make them too but not more), and you are willing to make it for everyone for 5k which basically means nothing.

I don't see why it's so hard to craft considering no serous players use it. It's a crap bullet and makes the FAL and M60 useless, hence no one ever using them.

Mr Feltzer:
exactly WHY We Need It, M60 and FN FAL Arent Used cuz the Ammo's To hard to Get -_-

It's even worse than laser/plasma rifle.


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