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Your RL Photos :D

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Goodbye Fonline. It was a pleasure trying to serve you the best I could.

Why waste caps on doc here:

*Use Doc on TKs-KaBoom*

Took these photos a while ago... I always use them to express the gradual growth of my anger when shit hits the fan or when I find out that there's no more meat in the fridge :/

... however, if you only let me eat nothing but pork and turkey meat for 5 days in a row, my beard, pubes and ass hair will fall off while my mustache will increase by 400% (it's a Balkan thing), and after that I can easily go without food for 7 months, providing that I have a sufficient supply of slivovitz and an online access to Japanese pornography.


--- Quote from: Merle on June 09, 2013, 08:48:08 pm ---Took these photos a while ago... I always use them to express the gradual growth of my anger when shit hits the fan or when I find out that there's no more meat in the fridge :/

... however, if you only let me eat nothing but pork and turkey meat for 5 days in a row, my beard, pubes and ass hair will fall off while my mustache will increase by 400% (it's a Balkan thing), and after that I can easily go without food for 7 months, providing that I have a sufficient supply of slivovitz and an online access to Japanese pornography.

--- End quote ---
Eagerly waiting for a photo of you banging a guitar.


Today was a great weather to search for special encounters. ;)


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