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Your RL Photos :D

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--- Quote from: skejwen on February 27, 2013, 05:34:10 pm ---Lol... Such drama :D
We should be thankful that Tomowolf plays guitar not flute or triangle :D

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It is not my fault that in Silesia clothes are getting dirty faster, so we need to walk naked.
Anyway another one will be from rehearsal, I guess so, because last time I've been wasted, and of course forgot to take any photos.


--- Quote from: Andr3aZ on February 21, 2013, 11:33:53 pm ---Tomo did post that pic for the sake of a joke / making us smile/laugh and you are scared of seeing a man's nakes breast and legs? Srsly, those guys that are homophobic like you turn out to be the real gay ones eventually :P

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Agreed. Guys having anything against such picture posting here while wearing their "My ass is just for shitting" T-shirts must have their doubts which they're trying to get rid of by proving to themselves how straight they are. There shall be no problem in seeing a naked guy (and he's not even naked, nobody tells you to imagine his penis behind the instrument) unless it makes your fireman behave strange and it scares you 'cause that ain't right, is it? Bet you guys don't go to swimming pools either, because there you can also see guys' naked legs and chests.


--- Quote ---Well...I really think this is the point when u have to find a hobby or a gurlfriend :D

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I think that guitar playing is a cool hobby dude.

And what about other comments... Tomowolf has just some sens of humor and he doesn't feel complex about that. Nude guitar shredding improves skills :D


if everybody else does...

with timestamp (march-2nd-2013) specially for my lovely forum friends.

Emm, it's 12th on pic. :b


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