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Your RL Photos :D

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--- Quote from: Andr3aZ on February 21, 2013, 11:33:53 pm ---Tomo did post that pic for the sake of a joke / making us smile/laugh and you are scared of seeing a man's nakes breast and legs? Srsly, those guys that are homophobic like you turn out to be the real gay ones eventually :P

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Yeah, thought the same. What's the matter guys, afraid of coming out of the closet? It baffles me how such a picture can still send someone to such reactions in this day and age.

They don't like him and will continue bitching about this photo for the sake of it, because they are unsympathetic boring people.


--- Quote from: JovankaB on February 22, 2013, 10:28:01 am ---They don't like him and will continue bitching about this photo for the sake of it, because they are unsympathetic boring people.

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Go and post some nudes if you are so symphathetic and hip.

You don't see a difference between posting half-nude photos and not making a huge deal when someone else does it?
Also wasn't talking about you but about a group of trolls who reported it as porn (rotfl) and spam thread with "u gay".

Now... That was a bit over the edge. Reporting?

Actually, everyone seem to be amused about Tomowolf photos, but i doubt someone would try to do the same. (includes you) The crowd found its joker and this is his problem now. I don't make a big deal out of it. I just think its silly.


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