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Survival Guides / Game Help
Another build advice.
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Topic: Another build advice. (Read 1803 times)
Another build advice.
June 04, 2010, 07:23:54 am »
Ok so because i was too greedy with my slaver i had to remake it.
took science and repair because i wanted it to be slaver and crafter but lack of first aid and outdoorsman made me have painful time doing
anything more or less.
Also made luck 1 to get points elsewhere, and we all know what that means nowadays.
Currently i made new one meant to be only slaver, so far it looks like.
ST 5
PE 6
EN 4
CH 9 (for magnetic personality and CHA +1 perk)
IN 5
AG 6
LK 6
Traits : Fast shot + small frame
Well with these stats i wont be getting BROF so ill have to settle with BRD, it has still 8 ap so it can
do 2 bursts from SMG or p90 atleast, and i will have eventually 5 slaves (unless ive missed something) with me traveling around.
Still i wanted to ask the more experienced slavers opinion, incase there would be better solution.
Well i could always drop CH to 7 for 4 slaves with the MP perk, and boost say EN to 6 for toughness, or drop ST to 3 and wait for
lvl 12 using nothing but my desert eagle, because needler is way too tough to get ammo for.
Finding those on merchants is hard enough, but getting enough HQ minerals to get 200+ cartridges is just hell since making it alive to unguarded mine
is horrifying.
However using the DE has its own downsides also, its not too great when it comes to dishing out damage, atleast pn some tougher human
enemies. With 6 AG i can only shoot it twice also
so id have to boost AG to 8 atleast.
*EDIT* would it work if i took ST to 4 and CH to 7 and boosted AG to 8 and IN to 6 for the BROF ?
i could use more pistols and the SMG's, and then pick say str +1 perk to be able to use rifles because i think picking weapon handling instead would
be kind of a waste since i only need 1 point. It shouldnt cripple my slaver capabilities too much either, but id still be bit on the frail side.
Last Edit: June 04, 2010, 07:47:34 am by Kardia
Re: Another build advice.
Reply #1 on:
June 04, 2010, 08:13:31 pm »
Personally I would put more points in INT, you will need it for FA.
Being able to heal your slaves/mercs is very important.
Also I wouldn't care too much about luck. Let your slaves do the damage.
And be aware that once you die, your slaveas die. you might want to get higher end.
Re: Another build advice.
Reply #2 on:
June 05, 2010, 07:44:55 am »
Yeah, thanks for tips changed it a bit after thinking more, currently im at lvl 7 and have 4x male trapper slaves with me.
Hope i can take them to my tent alive, ill leave them to guard it so they wont get lost if i die. Once im around
lvl 9-12 ill take 1-2 with me to level and equip them with pistols so they wont die in melee.
*edit* i dropped my CH to 7 and str to 4 and increased agi to 8 and int to 6 for BROF
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Survival Guides / Game Help
Another build advice.