Other > Closed suggestions
Speech skill
--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on June 04, 2010, 04:00:09 am ---Ok ok ok wait a minute guys let me clear this up.
Are you people suggesting speech make hp/skill/lvl higher for every bought merc or has this been implemented?
Are you people suggesting barter lower merc prices or has this already been implemented?
Btw I love this idea. Speech is absolutely fucking useless in FOnline for obvious reasons.
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Not exactly increase, scale with speech. Like if you start a leader character, that charisma stat in itself guarentees, that with enough cash(alts) you can be just as deadly at lvl 1 as lvl 21. Sure less hp, no fighting skills, first aid, outdoorsmen, etc, but you can carry same 4 mercs low level -> end level.
So basic idea would be to nerf starting mercs, so that you cant just start a "sniper"+"leader" hybrid, you need to actually WORK so that your mercs are effective. This way you can still be a good taxi if you spend your skills on outdoorsmen, still can be a fairly good SG char if you spend skills in SG, or even BG for that matter, BUT at the expense of lesser merc effectiveness, but opens up a new route, where you spend all skillpoints in speech to get better mercs, that compensate for other skills.
--- Quote from: FischiPiSti on June 05, 2010, 12:26:20 am ---Not exactly increase, scale with speech. Like if you start a leader character, that charisma stat in itself guarentees, that with enough cash(alts) you can be just as deadly at lvl 1 as lvl 21. Sure less hp, no fighting skills, first aid, outdoorsmen, etc, but you can carry same 4 mercs low level -> end level.
So basic idea would be to nerf starting mercs, so that you cant just start a "sniper"+"leader" hybrid, you need to actually WORK so that your mercs are effective. This way you can still be a good taxi if you spend your skills on outdoorsmen, still can be a fairly good SG char if you spend skills in SG, or even BG for that matter, BUT at the expense of lesser merc effectiveness, but opens up a new route, where you spend all skillpoints in speech to get better mercs, that compensate for other skills.
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Spending money on mercs at lvl 1 is the same as just dropping your cash in the wastes, as for being nerfed mercs are already too weak. The humans just aren't a real challenge at endgame and mutants are slow.
lvl 1 lead char with 4 supermutants meets a lvl 1 bigguner with lsw. Id bet on the lead char.
--- Quote from: FischiPiSti on June 05, 2010, 09:46:27 pm ---lvl 1 lead char with 4 supermutants meets a lvl 1 bigguner with lsw. Id bet on the lead char.
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no shit people can't shoot anything at lvl 1, but who is this lvl 1 char who is willing to risk 40k on a char that can get one shotted by anything. Your example is totally unrealistic, no one would use a lsw at lvl 1 either. Plus if someone was stupid enough to have muties at lvl 1 you could take him out with a 10mm pistol and bam there goes all your money.
hardcore.. we are absolutly far away from the topic..
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