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Author Topic: Remove or reduce sneak debuff from weight  (Read 9949 times)

Re: Remove or reduce sneak debuff from weight
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2010, 11:22:39 pm »

Avenger Minigun
Weight  12700 grams = -12
Burst  AP: 7, Range: 35, Rounds: 40  

Combat Leather Jacket
Weight  3175 grams  = -3
Armour Penalty = -25

5mm AP
Weight  9 grams, for 500 its 4500 = -4

Total = -44

35 hexes vs Pe 10 is (50-35)*6 = 90. +44 for penalties = 134.

134 to sneak into minigun range vs a Sniper from behind, 159 vs back/side, 184 from from front/side and 209 from the front. First shot advantage vs a Sniper who has no sneak, just need reasonable sneak  skill (134-209%).

*Insert hundreds of other applications here*

Have you ever actually done any pvp? "sneak into minigun range" Minigun range is larger than encounters and most maps. Pvp usually happens within 30 hex. Plus anyone in combat leather is asking to die.


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Re: Remove or reduce sneak debuff from weight
« Reply #16 on: June 02, 2010, 12:25:51 am »

If you can't think of any applications of this then Sneak is not for you. It is not a skill to allow a CA Minigunner to run about in invisible mode, you have to sacrifice in some areas and gain in others.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
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Re: Remove or reduce sneak debuff from weight
« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2010, 12:28:15 am »

If you can't think of any applications of this then Sneak is not for you. It is not a skill to allow a CA Minigunner to run about in invisible mode, you have to sacrifice in some areas and gain in others.

My build has nothing to do with minigunning, it's a lot more complex than the average pvp char. I'm using stealth/armour as a defense mechanism and it fails considering the amount of skill points you have to dump into it. Either that or make it possible to know who can see you.


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Re: Remove or reduce sneak debuff from weight
« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2010, 01:10:25 pm »

Whats wrong about being seen 25+ hexes at front, its still range of most of the weapons. Before, you couldnt be seen from 3 hexes from everywhere and that was really lame, now you need to think where to move and where might your foe move.
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Re: Remove or reduce sneak debuff from weight
« Reply #19 on: June 03, 2010, 07:22:59 am »

Can we please move on already? this whole sneak thing is getting redicilious, the sneak debuff is EXXELENT and a good contribution to the game, it forces players to think where they are, to estimate stuff and to use some attack tactics instead of having 250 sneaking skill and running about in the desert.....insivible with a rocket launcher and clunky metal armour
it makes NO sense, if you want to run away from the Broken hills mines, dont do it in a straight fashion like a predictlbe nooby, take a left turn sometimes, run between buildings,  take the ants tunnel, etc! use maneuvering to avoid being shot, because frankly there is no ninja in exisistance who would be able to stand infront of you and yoiu wouldnt see him unless of course he is perfectly camouflaged lol
if anyone wants to have things the way they were, with complete and total invisiblity, you can try suggesting to have the stealth boy implemented, see how much praise that would get
Do not piss me off.


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Re: Remove or reduce sneak debuff from weight
« Reply #20 on: June 03, 2010, 08:04:56 am »

What are you talking about properly camouflaged you could walk right over a soldier and not see him.


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Re: Remove or reduce sneak debuff from weight
« Reply #21 on: June 03, 2010, 01:07:49 pm »

However not someone running about 10 yards in front of you, in the open and wearing shinny Metal Armour
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Re: Remove or reduce sneak debuff from weight
« Reply #22 on: June 03, 2010, 01:15:38 pm »

IMO, the carry weight should start counting from like 25kg and up, though there should be another factor determining one's sneak ability. In Fallout: Tactics there was a certain penalty while wearing heavier armors, even to the point that you were no longer able to sneak. This was a perfect solution, since it's really riddicolous that you can sneak even in a power armor in Fonline(in theory, of course, PAs are not available). Fe.

Leather Jacket - 0% penalty
Leather Armor - 25% penalty
Metal armor - sneak disabled
Combat Armor - 75% penalty

of course, the values are just a pure example of how it would work. Just my three cents.

EDIT: @down Oh, forgive the misunderstanding then. There should be a notice in the description about the penalties, though. It's quite confusing in it's current form.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2010, 01:23:03 pm by Glave »
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Re: Remove or reduce sneak debuff from weight
« Reply #23 on: June 03, 2010, 01:16:46 pm »

Actually there are already weight penalties, and it is impossible to sneak with a PA or APA.
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Re: Remove or reduce sneak debuff from weight
« Reply #24 on: June 03, 2010, 01:28:05 pm »

* Sneaking opponent's Sneak is modified by angle by substracting 0, 25, 50 or 75 points, depending on the look direction (back, back-side, front-side, front), reduced by 25 for wearing leather armor (any kind) or 50 for wearing any heavier armor (sneaking in powered armor is not possible). Also, 1 point is subtracted for every 1000 points of inventory weight, rounded down.

Earlier in this very thread, quoting a changelog.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
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