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The (Un-)Official Wasteland Music Thread!
jeah these arcade fire stuff is liked ,)
I only have a few old magnetic tapes to offer from the good old days before the great war.
it´s just repeating in our base everyday.. maybe some strange electric malfunction..
but we are addicted of this sound now and agree with that.
it seems this guy "Django Reinhardt" better play with two fingers than other guys with two hands :)
sometimes when iam near necropolis i heard some strange transmission out of my radio.
and a guy named "Jesper Kyd" telling crazy shit on this channel,
about music and atmospehric sounds..
dont know, i think he is just insane.. but sounds good.
that´s my favorite for our SanFransisco of 2238. :)
DEATH/THRASH metal like Kreator, Destruction, Morbid Angel, Slayer. ]:-o
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qBkaPDsz-E (If anyone here open links ; o)
Heckler Spray:
Well, I won't post my last.fm account, cause I don't use it anymore. American indie rock is my drug, especially from the 90's.
Some of my favourites :
-Sonic Youth
-Dinosaur Jr
-Drive Like Jehu
.... many many others.
I'm pretty sure most of you have never heard about them. I especially like noisy, lo-fi,... things, with weird chords, alternative guitar tunings, you know, stuffs like that.
I can also play drums, but that's an other story...
Music I listen to while PKing in the wasteland.
"this music isn´t aviable in your country"... i hate youtube!
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