Other > Closed suggestions
Faction Uniforms :P
Mr Feltzer:
Hey Guys, Another one of those "Skin Change" Solutions :)
I was thinking on the bus back from school, That On Faction Terminals Faction Leaders should be able to Click
"Set Faction Uniform"
Then In Dialouge it would Say
Please Choose a Skin ID
You Would then Say an ID From a List On the Forums ( If Implemented )
It Would Say "Skin Change Sucessfully" The faction leader will inform you on faction Skin weapons useable,
It Doesnt make faction members into this Skin. on the Terminal They Can Click
"Get Into Uniform"
Get Out Of Uniform
I Think With this Implemented Factions Can REALLY Be Told From Eachother, It Woulde Enhance Fun RP's and will Also Make the Each Faction more Unique.
What Do You All Think, ( And Dont Just say No, Please Add a Reason :D )
No, because I think things like this probally will be added with the 3D update
--- Quote from: GroeneAppel on May 31, 2010, 09:19:22 am ---No, because I think things like this probally will be added with the 3D update
--- End quote ---
Which is more than year away from now...
Blabla, as usual, paint by hand 10k pictures or wait for 3D era.
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