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Big guns and crit
I want to use BG and More crıts perk and want to know how ıts workıng . It upgrades chance of hıttıng crıt each bullet ? or total damage ?
crit works on total dmg.
Crit bigunner with rocket is very nice.
for a minigun i would say... take BRD :)
yeah 4x30 dmg is a lot more reliable than 25-35% chance of doing more than 100
--- Quote from: Roachor on May 30, 2010, 10:43:57 pm ---25-35% chance of doing more than 100
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It's may be only if 35%.... you'll do that low damage usually without better critical perk and finesse trait.
If you have 25% and no finesse you'll do 250-400 and also see very gore death and shout of victim.
--- Quote from: RavenousRat on May 31, 2010, 07:34:36 am ---It's may be only if 35%.... you'll do that low damage usually without better critical perk and finesse trait.
If you have 25% and no finesse you'll do 250-400 and also see very gore death and shout of victim.
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Is this with a rocket lauincher??
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