Other > Suggestions

Remove or reduce sneak debuff from weight

<< < (5/5)

What are you talking about properly camouflaged you could walk right over a soldier and not see him.

However not someone running about 10 yards in front of you, in the open and wearing shinny Metal Armour

IMO, the carry weight should start counting from like 25kg and up, though there should be another factor determining one's sneak ability. In Fallout: Tactics there was a certain penalty while wearing heavier armors, even to the point that you were no longer able to sneak. This was a perfect solution, since it's really riddicolous that you can sneak even in a power armor in Fonline(in theory, of course, PAs are not available). Fe.

Leather Jacket - 0% penalty
Leather Armor - 25% penalty
Metal armor - sneak disabled
Combat Armor - 75% penalty

of course, the values are just a pure example of how it would work. Just my three cents.

EDIT: @down Oh, forgive the misunderstanding then. There should be a notice in the description about the penalties, though. It's quite confusing in it's current form.

Actually there are already weight penalties, and it is impossible to sneak with a PA or APA.


--- Quote ---* Sneaking opponent's Sneak is modified by angle by substracting 0, 25, 50 or 75 points, depending on the look direction (back, back-side, front-side, front), reduced by 25 for wearing leather armor (any kind) or 50 for wearing any heavier armor (sneaking in powered armor is not possible). Also, 1 point is subtracted for every 1000 points of inventory weight, rounded down.
--- End quote ---

Earlier in this very thread, quoting a changelog.


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