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Changelog May 2010

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Changes been introduced gradually, without changelogs after each update - because of testing/waiting for results, so this is the summary:

- Eliminated crashes, hangs, most memory leaks and the lag.
- Restored the intended postwipe fov, full mechanics of sneaking is the following:
  * Walls are impossible to see through.
  * Base fov range is 20 + 3*PE, and +6 with Sharpshooter perk.
  * For non-sneaking opponents, opponent's distance is just compared with base fov range.
  * Sneaking opponent's Sneak is modified by angle by substracting 0, 25, 50 or 75 points, depending on the look direction (back, back-side, front-side, front), reduced by 25 for wearing leather armor (any kind) or 50 for wearing any heavier armor (sneaking in powered armor is not possible). Also, 1 point is subtracted for every 1000 points of inventory weight, rounded down.
  * Fov range (for the purpose of current check) is reduced based on opponent's direction by 50%, 40%, 20% or 0 (for back, back-side, front-side, front respectively).
  * Reduced fov range is then reduced (numerically) by opponent's modified Sneak divided by 6 (rounded down), and this is compared with opponent's distance.
  * Given numbers are subject to change.
- Fixed few bugs that recently showed up (faction terminals, client crashes), and several more usual ones.
- Members of npc factions won't get reputation penalties for hurting themselves.
- Bonus: rollback times (if any) won't exceed 5 minutes.
- Fixed guards steal check.
- Missing items on encounter critters.

- Pushing other players (and, for now, NPCs) available by drop-down menu. Alt+click pushing is still available (works only on "blockers" recognized by former guard antiblock, and can push people blocking player from being pushed - works like chain reacion).
- Fixed and improved ~timeouts command (see also wiki article).
- Added (for now only mouseover) onscreen Awareness information. Available to all players with Awareness, can be disabled/enabled by ~awareness console command, enabled by default.
- Added barter filters. Selecting a filter will show only items of the respective type in either player's or opponent's inventory, selecting none (default) shows all items. Filters consists of armors, weapons, ammo, drugs and the rest. Caps are always displayed. Note for modders: this is configurable by ini keys, there will be a note about it.

- First aid formula:
  * One in twenty attempts is either a critical success, or a critical failure.
  * Whether it's a success or not is determined by a Random(0,11) roll vs. healer's Luck.
  * Critical success heals number of hit points equal to skill level (with bonuses).
  * Critical failure causes weakening and heals Random(1,skill/10) hit points.
  * Non-critical application heals Random(2*skill/5,skill) hit points.
- Began reworking of npc levelling, zones difficulty and exp formula. Changes will be gradually introduced in subsequent updates.
- Cost per militia changed to 500 caps.
- Traders update their inventories 3 times slower (somewhere between 3 and 6 real hours).

New dynamic awareness is shown on wiki (with pictures !) :


I don't see it anywhere in changelog but it seems that dual-login is already not-possible on one computer.
Well done Devs! 8)

Fast-relog is still possible and easy like older  :-\

Great job boys, keep up the good work !

The Sneak skill is not working at all actually, made tests with my 330 sneak char, the formulas are not applied.


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