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Author Topic: Prison Camps/Concentration Camps  (Read 1982 times)


  • The Intelligence Quotient
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Prison Camps/Concentration Camps
« on: January 05, 2010, 07:03:59 am »

I had an Idea, and I doubt this will be implemented any time soon, or if it will just be an event, however it would be possible to imprison players, under the employ of certain cities, and factions. At first this became an Idea that would work simply with Vault City, a concentration camp placed somewhere nearby where players would have to mine/craft for Vault City once a player had been sent to the camp. This Idea then expanded to Enclave, NCR, and Vault City, Players could go under employ as a licensed bounty hunter/officer for each city, and hunt down other players with a rope or craftable handcuffs. I'm still tinkering with the mapper so I haven't been able to make false screenshots like Cryofluid did for his Outpost suggestion.

Safe towns and large factions reward bounty hunters/officers for hunting down subjects on a 'shit-list'(outstanding Negative Karma with that area), the players must avoid killing the target and getting them into negative health, then use a rope/handcuffs on the character, which will send them to a respawn camp that they have to work there way out of to escape or reach parole. Vault City and Enclave will not parole you, and probably have other plans for you(Vault City may want to reform you and make you a servant, while enclave will want to experiment on you) Depending on how outstanding your Karma is with good organizations(you will still be negative, and an ex-convict), you can work off your bad Karma until you are Neutral again(Still somewhat negative but they won't attack you), and reach parole, or you'll be forced to escape if your Karma is too outstanding to raise back to neutral. (meaning you're in for life if you don't escape.)

Jailbreaks can take teamwork in creating a riot, or an outstanding science skill(setting the power off or hacking electronic locks), or a mixture of both. There should be multiple ways to get out, varying from compliance with orders, bribing guards with drugs crafted in the workshop, or hiring temporary mercs with cigarettes who will help you fight your way out. You have no equipment whilst incarcerated, and you must do labor(From handling the laundry to mining ore) in order to earn cigarettes or some other form of prison currency. The perks to being imprisoned by Vault City or Slavers, is that your faction can buy you back, but some factions might not want to hand money out for weaker comrades, whilst the stronger comrades are needed for TC, PvP and Crafting.

Escape routes could include working your hide off to obtain a crowbar to get into a pre-war reservoir or sewer, or working with prison gangs to gain the resources to escape. Providing players with options depending on their skills can get them out on their own in lower security prisons, however getting out of Enclave/Brotherhood prisons will be a huge pain to escape on your own, as guards are more well armed, and the designs of Enclave/Brotherhood containment centers will be less flawed or frayed. Depending on a luck roll(And availability of Cell-mates) you may end up bunking with a useful/useless NPC or nobody at all. Useless NPC's still hold the use of being killed and looted, whilst Useful NPC's may have a plan, or they always keep an eye out for their cell-mate and provide extra muscle.

Also, you have the ability to insert jokes about dropping the soap in this area, as old as they are, lots of people still laugh at the horrible fate of being worked over by Bubba, Mad Dogg, etc.
Re: Prison Camps/Concentration Camps
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2010, 07:42:57 am »

I agree that it could be good for Enclave, but not for any other faction. I guess BoS will crash such place. Other hand idea to catch other player isn't good from my point of view. I'm pretty sure every new player will be catched and enslaved. Maybe if this player could get some nice exp from such place... but then people will catch each other friend to exp it fast. There should be some penalty, Enclave is good for such option, as Enclave isn't liked in wastelands and cause it is racist. The hunter for every catched and enslaved player should get some negative karma.
no Wez no fun...
everyday my english loose 1point :/


  • The Intelligence Quotient
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Re: Prison Camps/Concentration Camps
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2010, 08:54:43 am »

I agree that it could be good for Enclave, but not for any other faction. I guess BoS will crash such place. Other hand idea to catch other player isn't good from my point of view. I'm pretty sure every new player will be catched and enslaved. Maybe if this player could get some nice exp from such place... but then people will catch each other friend to exp it fast. There should be some penalty, Enclave is good for such option, as Enclave isn't liked in wastelands and cause it is racist. The hunter for every catched and enslaved player should get some negative karma.

New players would be more wary to attracting a warrant, from a faction, someone who has joined up with an NPC faction will have the ability to look at a list of warrants for capture, the captive then goes through the loops in prison, the good part is that this is a chance to lower bad Karma, or escape. Whilst under employment by said faction you cannot join a player faction.

I can suggest advantages/disadvantages to a jailbreak other than freedom, such as prison related reputations(Ass-pirate, Winthrop Syndrome/Prison Bitch, Hardened Ex-con, Walking Ghost[Faked Death], Ed Geins Poster-child, Post incarceration insanity, Reformed Convict, etc), items, experience, etc. I think reputations alone would be worth it honestly because they can not only be hilarious, you can have only one prison related Reputation, and can never change it(To avoid abuse), this reputation could trigger new actions like Child Killer and slaver did in the original game.
Re: Prison Camps/Concentration Camps
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2010, 11:20:29 am »

You have some good points, however the shit players are required to do in these prison camps should be at least somehow useful to them. I know your point is to educate the players' behaviour towards others and stop them from doing wrong all the time. Encouraging to do wrong isn't the thing in my mind, but like you said about these reputations, being in a prison camp would certaintly close some doors, but on the other hand make some doors unlocked - leaving the player a freedom of choise: start a better, more honorable lifestyle or to look how deep the rabbit hole goes and meet the lowlifes of the wastelands.


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Re: Prison Camps/Concentration Camps
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2010, 08:27:57 pm »

I like this idea about prison.

However i'm afraid that the prisons will be overcrowded with some time - the PK goes in prison, creates a new alt and continues outside.
In that case, the abandoned characters could be deleted. Permadeath. All the time and XP gone.

Also, i think this idea should be developed further, like Replication Hell at TLA.
We could borrow Tibbets Facility from VB, too. And pretty orange overalls...
Re: Prison Camps/Concentration Camps
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2010, 08:24:37 am »

Prison camps work and they don't. They work if for an example, you want your level 17 hardcore killer still going strong and not been left over there. They don't work on low levels, especially on the first, and therefore players would only start out with a new character. The whole prison camp system would work out if the amount of characters would be limited to a fairly small number of characters, let's to three or five, and so PK'ers couldn't continue for ever and ever and still getting away with it. I assume that these action would drop the amount of players, at least we could get rid of some unwelcomed players, but then however, is this worth all the effort?
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