Other > Suggestions

Crafter Trait &/ crafter perk

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--- Quote from: Haraldx on May 28, 2010, 05:47:26 pm ---may someone say me what is proffesion point?

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Max ammount of profession levels you can get.
We all have 4 prof levels.
So you can have 3/1, 2/2, 2/1/1, 1/1/1/1, etc. profs.

oh, thanks that explains a whole lot more.

If you pick the Crafter Trait, then how the hell are you going to get xp? Crafters get their XP from crafting.


--- Quote from: Surf Solar on May 28, 2010, 03:51:12 pm ---For me, it's option 4. I only see more alts with this.  :-\

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--- Quote from: Drakonis on May 28, 2010, 04:15:27 pm ---acutally less alts :P since alts would get more skilled with crafting high tier shit you would need only 1 alts instead of 2 to cover most of your crafting needs.

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Less alts and less professions, or more professions and more alts? Either way seems to be wrong, sorry LagMaster, but 4 is my number in this case  :-\


--- Quote from: LagMaster on May 28, 2010, 03:46:46 pm ---Crafter traint:you learn veary quick stuff in theory,but you don't learn anything by practise.

efect:you have 5-6 profesion points,but you don't gain xp from crafting

Crafter Perk:your skills increased:you have 1 more profesion point

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The idea is good but the means are bad.

Crafter trait/perk You get 5 profession points in total but cause just 1/3 damage, 1/100 from killing creatures and 2x more for crafting... this would be fair...


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