Other > Closed suggestions
[POLL] To make cars more usefull - Edited 25/01/2010
--- Quote from: Frosti on January 11, 2010, 01:32:42 pm ---Is gieving CHA1 PvP monsters ability to travel together on world map good idea?Is making Charisma an statistic only for seller alts good idea? Absolutly no. Bad Idea.
Better Idea to make car usefull is to make travel throught 1 square on map on foots take 3 minuts - and much faster in car - there- cars will be usefull.
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In fact yes... it would prevent some multilogs and alt using ;)
--- Quote from: Deon on January 09, 2010, 09:58:20 pm ---Heh, you can't make them to sit in your car with CH 1. You: "Come here faggot, I give you a candy!" - Stranger: "No, I will not travel in your car, it smells!"
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Hello there! It is a postapocaliptic world where almost no water is wasted for hygiene purposes and thus - EVERYTHING smells there, so it's not an issue ;p
BTW idea that driver needs to be charismatic is hillarious :D
--- Quote from: Wallace on January 11, 2010, 04:53:47 pm ---BTW idea that driver needs to be charismatic is hillarious :D
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It doesn't make a lot of sense, but it's also a necessary limitation to stop charisma from being absolutely shitty. I'd go the opposite way, and say players with 1-2 charisma shouldn't even be able to join friendly groups. If you want to be a 1 charisma loner, than the game forces you to be. If you want to spend any time around other human beings, you're going to have to take charisma.
Imagine one thing:
You're wandering through the desert, closest town is 2 days away (by foot), your water supply is running dry.
Then i show up, driving total rustbucket, opening a door and offering you a ride for 100 caps
Would it make a difference for you if i were smelly, annoying, mean asshole who's beat with an ugly stick?
Now tell me that it's charisma that counts most in this case
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