Other > Closed suggestions

Holodisk needs work

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I've seen a lot of people write journals and books for their characters. I write a journal myself. The holodisk window lacks the proper design to make holodisk use easy and fun.

The holodisk editing window needs to be larger, like the size of the inventory window. It also needs a scroll bar and more space for data.


Better write your text you want to see on the holo disk in an notepad or something similar before.
Copy it then and paste it into the game. It's much easier then to write everything ingame.

Still it would be simple enough to change the window so one doesn't have to alt tab and deal with all that bs.

I know, just wanted to show a little workaround.
AFAIK it's not that simple to just change the size of windows ingame.

We know that the holodisk stuff isn't the best yet, but it will not change for a while, as it has no real priority.


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