Other > Suggestions
attack till knocked out, attack style command for followers.
Its a real bitch having to slave by yourself all the time cus your afraid of your mercs/other slaves killing the meat cus of extremely large encounters or dangerous such as 5 Marauders consisting of two slaveable red-heads and 3 bursting mofo's with smgs (unslavable), So my suggestion is to make a attack style that if the follower npc see's the "Knocked out" 0-(-)20 hp thing they will then find that npcs or ( I guess if you MUST ) player as neutral. Until ofc they get back up and/or start attacking again. This will solve the slaver/big encounter problems when it comes to gathering meat safely/dangerously with your much-needed slave/merc bodygaurds.
This has been a serious problem for me for a long time and I thought it was appropriate to seek change.
It only seems logical that you should be able to command your followers to incapacitate the enemy.
Sounds reasonable, until this get implemented you can command your mercs with high priority move so that they will spend their turns walking instead of shooting. It works in turn based, but not so well in real time. :>
Thought I'd bring back a needed follower feature.
+1 plus there should be options like in F2 - attack person attacking you (I saw its not on slave dunno about merc)
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