Other > Off-topic discussions
The Photography Thread
I thought I open this one. (well, why not?)
Post here pictures taken by you, doesn't matter if you're a pro at taking photos or not. I hope to see here a few beautiful shots and/or a little discussin which techniques you use, or if you just press the trigger on your camera etc. :) All that counts is taking up a certain atmosphere one can encounter.
I start with a few one. Most of them taken with my EOS 400D, but in the last time I started to put my money in analogue equipment... Maybe one can see my "style", I like to potrait atmospheres, which are looking blend and colourless, but yet beautiful. I always like to have "endlessly" seeming horizons.
"Two Worlds"
"The 'Shroom"
"The Friend"
"The Cigarette"
"The Pause"
Right click on the images and press "Show Image" to enlargen them.
C'mon, don't be lazy or shy and just post a few pictures. :P
I know there have to be some people with a camera out there.
Fonline community consists mostly of junkies, not photographers with an eye for art.
Damn, the only photos I've got are of my dog when he's doing stupid things, but that's not art ;D
--- Quote from: avv on May 28, 2010, 01:02:03 pm ---Fonline community consists mostly of junkies, not photographers with an eye for art.
--- End quote ---
I'm sorry but.... This.
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