Other > Off-topic discussions
Fun stuff.
<avv> mudguts u never run out of tricks
<[DoW]Mudguts|Doinstuff> i was raised by circus bears
Quentin Lang:
<QLang> Demm niggas dun stand chance against me nigga cowboy
<QLang> http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/7751/mecowboaybeatemall.jpg
<%RJ> more like redneck
<QLang> good note
<Nexxos> QLang, had to protect that KFC bucket?
<QLang> lmao
<QLang> racism at its highest
<QLang> Guess how many bodies are in that pile
<Nexxos> 6.
<QLang> great guess
<QLang> 6 bodies and 1 arm
irc stuff is cryptic.
i try to laugh.. realy.. but..
--- Quote from: John.Metzger on October 26, 2010, 05:08:49 pm ---irc stuff is cryptic.
i try to laugh.. realy.. but..
--- End quote ---
It's mostly sitcom.
<LagMaster> KoMaP^ is a bot
<LagMaster> he can't talk
<avv> oh yeah?
<@KoMaP^> yea
<@KoMaP^> ima bot!
<@KoMaP^> who said that ima bot?
<LagMaster> no one
<Linnea> no KoMaP^ youre jsut a noob:)
* LagMaster was kicked by KoMaP^ ([LagMaster]: KoMaP^ is a bot reeally?)
* Linnea was kicked by KoMaP^ (sure!)
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