Other > Off-topic discussions

Fun stuff.

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Really old "suggestion" post that was Junked, back when the server kept crashing or something.

"Because of the problems with the server I suggest to change the name to FOffline."

Here's 2 screenies from last wipe:

Rusty's event. Filling ncr with shit and... eggs?

GM ABUSE Izual shot me and guards turned on him. We were testing whether tanker guards looted or not.


--- Quote from: Quentin Lang on September 09, 2010, 11:56:59 am ---Cause i beat him 3:1  ;D

--- End quote ---
i am local champ at Rock Paper Scisors here at home
wanna chalange you


--- Quote ---23:46 < [VSB]Hololasima> About what ? About it that i must wait arround 40 minutes on two AP rockets ? Only for example ? Why i must wait arround one hour to craft one normal CA ? Oh my god
23:47 < Sublime> Holo I dont think anyone is fond of the timeouts
23:47 < Sublime> but just stop crying...
23:49 < [VSB]Hololasima> Why i must wait arround 40 minutes on Improved Flamer? Why i must wait another 40 minutes on 100 .223 ammo? Why i must wait during road to Frisco from VC ? I never see so much waiting in original Fallouts, and this is Fallout Online
23:49 < Sublime> Holo just stop playing and give your account to me
23:50 < Sublime> Let me worry about your problems
23:50 < [VSB]Hololasima> My characters ? For what ? You will delete them, create them again and give to them Speech, Gambling and Outdoorsman
23:50 < Sublime> No
23:50 < Sublime> I will use them
23:50 < Sublime> to craft

--- End quote ---


12:43:46 • bloody was hit for 74 hit points.
12:43:49 • bloody was hit for 59 hit points.
12:43:49 • You were hit for 102 hit points.
12:43:49 • bloody was hit for 62 hit points.
12:43:53 • bloody was hit for 45 hit points.
12:43:53 • Eldridge was hit for 19 hit points.
12:43:55 • You were hit for 15 hit points.
12:43:56 • You were hit for 18 hit points.
12:43:58 • Mickelh139: ...lmao...
12:44:01 • Mickelh139: ...-.-...
12:44:02 • You were hit for 12 hit points and were killed.
12:44:02 • bloody was hit for 51 hit points and was killed.
12:44:05 • Mickelh139: ...lol!!!!!!...
12:44:08 • You see Eldridge. He is gazing at his weapon collection and smiling dreamily. He has 66/85 hps.
12:44:08 • You see a young man. He has -68/223 hps.
12:44:09 • You see Door.
12:44:14 • Mickelh139: ...fucking hilarious...
12:44:19 • Mickelh139: ...screened that shit...

Eldridge doesnt take kindly to people shooting his customers -.-.


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