Other > Suggestions

10% of merc/slave xp when it kills

(1/4) > >>

Because cha based chars usually suck at killing anything and lvling them relying on fa doesn't work anymore now that followers become weak when you heal them, im suggesting 10% xp of everything they kill while you are on the same map goes to the commander. That way its small enough that abuse wouldn't be worth it, while still allowing cha based characters to grind. Before you guys shoot this down with complaints about farming, remember it will take 10 times more encounters to hit max level.

This is a nice, but intriguing... dont know what to think but yeah they should get some reward if someone is grinding with mercs

This is a definite must...............................................................   But You can always make a Charisma/Burster Character :D

My max with smg is 134 hitpoints.... on a player with Combat Jacket on :D.

i get first 10 lvls with outdoor and firstaid and dont shot anything.
leader char mainly travel and heal. isnt it?
bursting gave me the last xp i needed to get boring lvl 21

so: nope

shitty suggestion, its easy to get exp by doing repeatable quest/stealing/repairing/crafting so i find suggestion useless.


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