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"Wasteland is harsh"
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Author Topic: Outdoorsman and annoying encouters.  (Read 9895 times)


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Re: Outdoorsman and annoying encouters.
« Reply #15 on: May 24, 2010, 02:18:47 pm »

So you want the game to be an ogame like thing were you just have to click at some pixel every few minutes?  ::)
First time I use this sentence, but "Wasteland is harsh". There are creatures and critters you simply have to encounter every now and then. So, no special magic "no encounters at all" button.


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Re: Outdoorsman and annoying encouters.
« Reply #16 on: May 24, 2010, 02:34:37 pm »

Some people still don't get how it would work:

This is the window that pops up after a successful roll on your outdoorsman. You can simply make the game NOT notify you(the window doesn't show up) and instead, move on to the target location.

Regular encounters, when your outdoorsman fails would STILL APPEAR.

I hope I made myself clear now.

EDIT: Also, ticking on this option would prevent from gaining any experience, since it would be abused easily.
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Re: Outdoorsman and annoying encouters.
« Reply #17 on: May 24, 2010, 03:33:36 pm »

EDIT: Also, ticking on this option would prevent from gaining any experience, since it would be abused easily.

wut. if you dont want experience its your choice

how would it be abused? lol
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Re: Outdoorsman and annoying encouters.
« Reply #18 on: May 24, 2010, 04:21:14 pm »

wut. if you dont want experience its your choice

how would it be abused? lol

People would go around using it and fish for encounters.


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Re: Outdoorsman and annoying encouters.
« Reply #19 on: May 24, 2010, 05:22:29 pm »

I strongly disagree in disabling those "useless" (  ::) ) encounters.
They are there for the flavor, or even to gain the first few XP. I don't know what's so hard about simply running away from those critters. Is it such a pain in the ass to watch what you are doing instead just alt-tabbing out?

Then put some flavour in them. Right now travelling in worldmap is sometimes far from exciting travel across the postapocalyptic wastes where danger lurks behind every corner and you gotta keep constant watch on possible threaths. Biggest excitement is caused by the chance of meeting other players, but nobody really fears the critters.
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Re: Outdoorsman and annoying encouters.
« Reply #20 on: May 24, 2010, 05:29:23 pm »

Keep in mind the game is not finished yet. Encounters need changing yes, in their amount (the number of encounters you get) but also their links with Outdoorsman skill, and also in their type. In the end, they should be (From a personal point of view) much more versatile, with non-combat encounters (like the Hermit one), and with also many different places. Even if we stick to combat encounters, we can imagine a lot of different ones : Encountering a trade between two gangs (like in Fo2 and the Salvatores' mission), encountering a gang hideout, or some thugs murdering someone (will you help them or save their target ?), etc, etc.
But once again, I think devs already have plans for this and nothing here is new to them ; they never said encounters were finished. Wait and see !
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Re: Outdoorsman and annoying encouters.
« Reply #21 on: May 24, 2010, 05:52:39 pm »

People would go around using it and fish for encounters.

I think you havent read the thread. THe thread is about disabling context window when approaching an encounter. I proposed to have "a tick" to disable all enc if possible.
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator


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Re: Outdoorsman and annoying encouters.
« Reply #22 on: May 24, 2010, 07:30:11 pm »

I play windowed, and those that can, should too :P
windows: 1440x900
fonline: 1280x800
Game window fits perfetcly
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Re: Outdoorsman and annoying encouters.
« Reply #23 on: May 24, 2010, 09:52:30 pm »

I play windowed, and those that can, should too :P
windows: 1440x900
fonline: 1280x800
Game window fits perfetcly

wrong thread?
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator


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Re: Outdoorsman and annoying encouters.
« Reply #24 on: May 24, 2010, 10:42:07 pm »

+1, people aren't thinking about this idea right and just sort of...  posting NO NO FUCK NO (Obvious sarcasm), without giving it any real thought just because it isn't high priority or they don't play the game... or  they don't have to travel on worldmap for some wierd reason.  I support it.  But I don't expect this to be implemented due to the spammed noes....
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Re: Outdoorsman and annoying encouters.
« Reply #25 on: May 24, 2010, 11:13:51 pm »

maybe the outdoorsman skill can be used to "tune in/out" to find/avoid certain types of critters.

-if you're trying to find a critter and fail, you should wait untll another check.
-if you're trying to find a critter and succeed, you find that critter in a random* amount of time. (that time is between 0.1-until next check) and encounter begins.

-if you're trying to avoid a critter and fail, you encounter them in a random* amount of time. (see above.)
-if you're trying to aboid a critter and succeed, you're safe from that type of creature until another check.

(*ps: that time should be random (until next check of course) because that way, players can't think "oh great. it's been 5 minutes, now i'm gonna have to wait for 5 more minutes." or "whoa first 5 minutes ok. 2 more seconds, check's made, no scary creatures, sooo yes! i'm safe for another 4:58!" and ofcourse, that "until next check" duration must be concealed from the player too.)

and the frequancy of those checks might be something like 5 minutes maybe? or increasing due to your outdoorsman skill (to a certain point that makes sense ofcourse) if you're trying to avoid. and decreasing if you're trying to find.

now that makes a good amount of sense. but it might be hard to check/uncheck many many tiny boxes for all those critters. maybe, tougher creatures become available as you gain skill? how 'bout that?

but! imagine a big, dangerous deathclaw. they must leave huge marks on the ground. so, they would be easier to track. but they're great hunters. so they should be harder to avoid.

and now imagine a tiny, cute and adorable bunny with pink ears. they can't leave big marks, so they should be harder to find. but it's just a stupid and coward bunny, so they are definetly easy to avod.

great! now i'm searching forums to see if something like this have come up. if not, gonna make a thread. if so, gonna "+1" it. =)

by the way, did i mention that ranger is my favourite class in d&d? =D
« Last Edit: May 24, 2010, 11:18:31 pm by Cokomantis »


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Re: Outdoorsman and annoying encouters.
« Reply #26 on: December 16, 2010, 01:59:10 am »

I was thinking the same as the one who started this topic, I've lot of Outdoorsman for some reasons: I don't want any unexpected encounter because I don't need stuff from them, nor experience. So, if they implement with an option who let us choose between take or not the advice, I'd say it's just useful.
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Re: Outdoorsman and annoying encouters.
« Reply #27 on: December 16, 2010, 02:51:53 am »

it seems like some people give such a strong 'no' without even understanding the suggestion.

as the author clearly pointed out, this would be optional.

I'd like a option not to be notified about every encounter if I know for sure that I just want to travel from A to B so why should I have to click every 10 seconds?

I vote YES


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Re: Outdoorsman and annoying encouters.
« Reply #28 on: December 19, 2010, 02:32:39 pm »

Old topic, but things looking still acutal and haven't been treated yet.

I think it's useful, game won't be such annoying as now. :P
Re: Outdoorsman and annoying encouters.
« Reply #29 on: December 20, 2010, 10:23:29 am »

what about game shuts down when you press Alt + Tab or Ctrl + Esc?  ::) good idea imho

Or just play windowed... less annoyning
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