Other > Suggestions

Fire Armor

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--- Quote from: vilaz on May 23, 2010, 01:28:50 pm ---Well idea is v. good. But from what i heard, even recoloring already existing spirit is really time consuming. So we will hear, not until 3d.

or... I misunderstood and you're talking only about using already existing skins/spirits (whatever its called :P).

well +1 from me

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we already have a useless Ranger's combat armor(i heard it weaker than BA and CaMK2) why don't use this skin for Fire Armor. and btw to make this armor more usefull in PvP i will be good to add a fire based ammo for projectile weapons not only Napalm rockets and flamers.

Quentin Lang:
What the hell is with the recolouring. Just use LA or ranger combat armor, jeez...

Ranger Combat Armor IS recolored...

Anyway, are you afraid of variety?  ;D

dont bother guys. I have witness like 2 suggestions of this matter in past 8 months. Devs allready said many time that they do not plan adding any new weapons/armor, so you all just simply waste your time.

Heck. they dont even plan to add new shit even after 3d eta kicks in. They wish to keep fallout as close to original as possible but still nobody knows their final vision if they have one.


--- Quote from: vedaras on May 23, 2010, 05:46:38 pm ---since no one uses fire based weapons i find suggestion useless.

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I see people all the time with flamers and grenades. I've been turned in to a walking cinder too many times to count!

I like this idea. If the creature is naturally resistant to fire, it should be possible to use it's skins natural ability in an armor.


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