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Author Topic: unlootable items(updated)=keys only  (Read 10682 times)


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Re: unlootable items!!!!!
« Reply #15 on: May 24, 2010, 03:47:46 pm »

Keys - I'm somewhat for and against looting them. On the one hand - it's reasonable that you can steal/loot the key and then use the car, only that many people die too often to risk taking the key with them, thus they don't use cars at all...

Radios - they should be lootable, the whole game of protecting/changing your radio channel is simply fun and realistic, I like to catch gangs' transmissions if I have the chance ;]

books - irritating mostly when you don't have a base and have to run to cities to craft stuff... but here the problem is rather with the amount of relatively simple items that NEED you to have your book when crafting

Keys again - I think the simplest (and still realistic) way to solve this would be implementing keypad and fingerprint locks, that could be installed on doors/lockers/cars. Some proffesion (engineer that I proposed some time ago would fit to that) should allow players to create such locks, or/and they could be buyable.

Keypad lock - you type the code to the lock just like you type the active channel in a radio, then use the lock on a car/locker/door to install it/replace the old lock. To get to the car you have to type the code in some pop-up winow (i.e. the one used to set the number of items traded in the trader window). No key - no 'bye bye car' after first death
disadvantages - entering a car would take a little bit more time

Fingerprint lock - you install the lock as above, the first person to use the item with this lock will be recognised as the owner
disadvantages - only one person can open the locked item (except for thieves ;])

(to replace a lock you have to have a key to the old lock in your inv)

Yeah, those new locks have disadvantages, but I like when things - especially the advanced stuff - have disadvanteges. That makes the game more interesting and the choice of what to use is not linear (I understand linear choice by 'using the best stuff possible' thing. It's much better if you really have to think and decide if the new stuff will be better than the old one)
« Last Edit: May 24, 2010, 03:49:34 pm by DrapiChrust »


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Re: unlootable items!!!!!
« Reply #16 on: May 24, 2010, 03:58:28 pm »

Well imho making small stuff unlootable fits whole game atmosphere much more than introducing hi-tech electronic stuff that the most of regular cars don't have even today. And when we are at those disadvantages then they are kinda artificial, made just to be there for that special purpose. If the lock can recognize fingerprint then it can definitely store more than one in memory etc...

Imho fear of loosing cars just because of thieves is enough to make it risky just to take a ride into the city. Combined with stolen/looted keys it makes cars completely pointless and gangs simply make taxi characters that beat cars in every way (free, don't need fuel, can carry shitload of people, are fast, no keys to worry about...) all you need to do is to share taxi char with trusted people and you have ultimate transportation. Cars simply need some boost otherwise I don't see single reason why to keep them ingame other than "cool effect".


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Re: unlootable items!!!!!
« Reply #17 on: May 25, 2010, 02:03:35 pm »

Sius - do you call those a high-tec items???: - locker number lock - number padlock

Yeah, the fingerprint one is high-tec, but I though of it as the best/hardest to make lock (just reminding we're talking about a game that allows people to makeon their workbenches guns shooting plasma...), besides it could be sth else that somehow explains why you don't need a key ;]

EDIT: oh, yeah, kind of my bad. In my previous post I used the term 'keypad lock' instead' of 'number lock' The first lock wasn't supposed to be high-tec at all. Quite the contrary.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2010, 02:07:25 pm by DrapiChrust »


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Re: unlootable items!!!!!
« Reply #18 on: May 25, 2010, 02:22:55 pm »

I pray to devs to introdue number locks in general (mainy for lockers in hideouts).

Anyway we agree on that cars need safety boost and they need it a lot. But how to boost that safety seems irrelevant to me as long as it fits the game. But something like safe spot could be used not only to boost car safety but also for other purposes such as those radios, books, keys from lockers etc.


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Re: unlootable items!!!!!
« Reply #19 on: May 26, 2010, 02:23:48 pm »

keys maybe. tapes maybe, radio? =6 junk........that aside .......wth for? :o


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Re: unlootable items!!!!!
« Reply #20 on: May 28, 2010, 02:20:53 pm »

People are not as much aftraid of loosing radios, rather are afraid of giving up their radio channel - if you pick up a radio from the corpse, this radio is set on the channel it was used last time, thus you know the radio channel of some gang/group. Thus you know what they say and thay have to change their channel I cannot put it simpler ;P

I still am for leaving everything lootable, only introducing keyless locks I've suggested before. It should be enough.


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Re: unlootable items!!!!!
« Reply #21 on: May 29, 2010, 10:15:25 am »

People are not as much aftraid of loosing radios, rather are afraid of giving up their radio channel - if you pick up a radio from the corpse, this radio is set on the channel it was used last time, thus you know the radio channel of some gang/group. Thus you know what they say and thay have to change their channel I cannot put it simpler ;P

I still am for leaving everything lootable, only introducing keyless locks I've suggested before. It should be enough.

Its not about frequencies. The chances that someone take your radio and then use it against you is next to zero. Its almost impossible. But people are simply lazy creatures and taking radio everytime you die, setting frequency and then using it in main hand is simply too much just to chitchat over distance in game. Thats why people ignore ingame communication and everyone is counting on programs like Mumble, TS, VT etc...
Imho such elemental feature like chat are supposed to be frequently used among the players with no real work required from them. But what we see ingame right now is pretty much the opposite.


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Re: unlootable items!!!!!
« Reply #22 on: May 29, 2010, 01:55:57 pm »

oops, I have to give +1 to Sius, maybe +0.5 :P, as even though I never encountered nobody who harmed/was harmed through spied radio channel, that still leads people to change the channel often, and they have to COMMUNICATE SOME OTHER WAY TO LET OTHERS KNOW of the new channel. Bad.

I forgot that my 'no dying' playing style is rather rare amongst players. I just think respawn isn't postapo  8)

(yes, it is hard, but if you are really careful, avoid straight paths between the cities, use only real time combat, not use obvious hunting grounds and encounters close to towns, avoid unguarded cities during the rush hours and so on, you can easily lenghten your char average lifespan up to 60 hours - that is two weeks when playing 2 hours a day. Tested, works)

back to the topic: so, I still don't like the 'unlootable items' idea, but there is some logic in it. Lets say that the first thing to do with too-easily-lost-for-their-real-value items would be to try to make their no-inventory equivalents, just like the no-key locks I've mentioned above. WHEN it is really impossible to do that, THEN MAYBE try to make them less lootable somehow (but still lootable to some extent!). I really don't know what equivalents could we have for radios... Brain implants? ::) Bleh!
« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 02:00:24 pm by DrapiChrust »


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Re: unlootable items!!!!!
« Reply #23 on: May 29, 2010, 03:04:10 pm »

Add radios to that (or some boost for radios or ingame communication in general) and you have one happy player here ;).

what? Radios? You dont like to waste junk to craft it? car keys and thats all
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