Other > Events
Rocketball event #1
We usually got more time on weekends, yes, but events can happen anytime.
Also we can't post that an event is going to happen. You want to know what would happen ? Horrible lags, and maps that are just not big enough to handle hundreds of players (With this number everything needs to be bigger : Spawn point, stuff-givers area, battlefield, etc.). We'd also need more GMs to handle those events.
Dark Angel:
So How they know event will happen ? :/
Its shiting only Luckly & School friend know when event start .
Ingame players (and IRC) know that an event starts. It's enough.
Hilarious event :D.
Btw: is there anything capable of capturing video footage as it really happened? I mean fraps and such are good but they are not accurate when it comes to projectiles and it sucks to see rocket flying in the air 6 seconds after it exploded.
Well it's because of my computer, that can't handle too many things at the same time. I've seen russians on TLA recording on Fraps, with rockets flying as fast as light.
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