Other > Closed suggestions
HP bar underneath player name
I should have specified to begin with, this would only be visible if you had awareness. It's not very practical to click on someone in rt and scroll down to view as its hard to click moving people and by the time you've done all this they've most likely killed you.
Quentin Lang:
--- Quote from: Roachor on May 21, 2010, 11:34:36 pm ---I should have specified to begin with, this would only be visible if you had awareness. It's not very practical to click on someone in rt and scroll down to view as its hard to click moving people and by the time you've done all this they've most likely killed you.
--- End quote ---
It should be visible all the time. For characters witouth awarness it would simply be a line. If target looks unhurt, line's full and green. Wounded - 75% and yellow. Severely wounded 50% and orange, almost dead, 25% and red. Would be much easyer to determine peoples HP. Characters with awarness could have it more advanced.
Any version of this feature requires some parameter sending mechanics change, and I recall asking for such changes at least once, for this very purpose. I just did this again.
[edit] So the changes happened, so it was now possible to send HP data only for Awareness players, and the mouseover awareness is in.
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