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Combat cooldown and scoring hits while running.


So... How long is the combat timeout anyway if i may ask?

Does it depend on amount of enemies, their AP or scored hits?
I was trying to escape with 8 AP around the map from some raiders with spears and guns, all the exit grid along, until i got killed.
How come that NPC can run and strike in the same time? (and a player cannot?)
"Combat timeout. wait"
A message i learned to hate.

I think the combat timeout is about ~10 seconds. If you are hit during those 10 seconds, the timeout simply starts over.
NPC in encounters just shoot at you, then run quickly to follow you, even if they're out of Action Points. So the best strategy when followed by groups of NPC is to make them loose all their AP, to make them unable to shoot at you when you are running. Then, step in the exit grid, and you're out.


--- Quote from: Izual on January 04, 2010, 09:16:05 pm ---NPC in encounters just shoot at you, then run quickly to follow you, even if they're out of Action Points. So the best strategy when followed by groups of NPC is to make them loose all their AP, to make them unable to shoot at you when you are running. Then, step in the exit grid, and you're out.

--- End quote ---

Wait, how do i make them loose AP, if they don't spend any on moving? I do. My AP reduces to 1 when i run, regenerating slowly after i stop.
But they chase me and land hits with spears, while i run. So don't they need to regenerate AP, like mine or are they regenerating so insanely fast thanks to their Agility or other stats?

Also, if i let them hit me, hoping to deplete their turns, following happens:

--- Quote from: Izual on January 04, 2010, 09:16:05 pm ---If you are hit during those 10 seconds, the timeout simply starts over.
--- End quote ---
So then Jog of Death can continue.

I don't think NPC's us AP like we do, I've seen deathclaws move and do multiple attacks and they have 6 ap.


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