Other > Suggestions

Smallgun balance and ammo types

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I have not the stas for psycho and i'd be happy to had them and stop with your EW, you already trolled the FN Fal HFPA topic now stop.

And i'm pretty sure AP ammos are no more use against armor+psycho simply look that, how do you expect from weapon that do 5 dommages against middle armor, doing more than 5 dommages with a DR superior, you have some bugs in your mathematical brain functions. On a weapon doing 20-20 dommages which doen't exist in SG 1 DT = 5%DR and the parity between DR/DT is generally 5%/2 so stop saying dumb thing i first want to know if the formula is good, what i think and then base somoe reflection upon this, no wind talking (based on nothing) aka troll.

Now i want base stats in order to go further, sorry but i never take a problem by the end, i know it could be annoying for some ...

Hell ... So hard to think a bit or be constructive in a post pfff.

solid snake:
dommages is damage right?

yeah damages, i wrote it in french sorry :/

If this is going somewhere i could make a real simu more accurate but i don't want to compare things with dumb, that's why i post here before having all tools in hand.

solid snake:

--- Quote from: Midnight on May 18, 2010, 06:38:32 pm ---yeah damages, i wrote it in french sorry :/

--- End quote ---

its okay man. that's what i thought you meant. wasn't sure..


--- Quote from: Midnight on May 18, 2010, 06:19:48 pm ---I have not the stas for psycho and i'd be happy to had them and stop with your EW, you already trolled the FN Fal HFPA topic now stop.

And i'm pretty sure AP ammos are no more use against armor+psycho simply look that, how do you expect from weapon that do 5 dommages against middle armor, doing more than 5 dommages with a DR superior, you have some bugs in your mathematical brain functions. On a weapon doing 20-20 dommages which doen't exist in SG 1 DT = 5%DR and the parity between DR/DT is generally 5%/2 so stop saying dumb thing i first want to know if the formula is good, what i think and then base somoe reflection upon this, no wind talking (based on nothing) aka troll.

Now i want base stats in order to go further, sorry but i never take a problem by the end, i know it could be annoying for some ...

Hell ... So hard to think a bit or be constructive in a post pfff.

--- End quote ---

just whatever, man. just get online and try hurting a guy with combat armor on psycho with JHP 5mm and goodluck


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