Other > Suggestions
Smallgun balance and ammo types
I'm not sure about your formula Midnight, but what Drakonis said about results is true. You want to hurt an armored target with a Minigun, you hose him with AP, end of story. JHP is going to work too against stuff like Metal Armor mk2 without psycho, but in the end you're going to have AP being slightly more effective on this level and really making the difference against better protection. Since I don't think there's some voodoo magic going on it must be the fact that something's wrong about the formula or you're not taking something into account. I mean I've shot PLENTY of people with .223, 5mm JHP and 5mm AP with a top tier big gun (LSW, Avenger) and I will easily choose AP loaded Avenger for PvP any day of the week - it simply works against lightly armored targets and works best out of the three against guys in Metal and better.
Yeah but that's what i asked in my first post, helping me to fix if it's not correct and all i get is guys who come troll "it's shit" seriously i don't care what they say i try to get this to work, nothing more.
I don't know where is the heck but only taking in account the DT feature make the avenger minigun useless against a BA with Thoughness (11*2/3 -10 =0) execpt for critticals, as you see DR don't even come in account and that's what i'm trying to figure all you guys say AP are better in high end where all point that AP are better midle game+psycho (maybe it's comon in PVP to have tesla+2 psycho) but on BA armor 5mm AP basically can't get good results, or DT is reduced by AP ammo but i see nothing about that anywhere and i haven't read too that you have perks on ammos (o_o).
If someone have anything that could make go ahead that would be good, but not simply say "this is crap boooo", anyway thanks for being constructive Nice_Boat.
AP ammo has penetrate perk, it divide DT by 5, rounded down.
And that's why JHP suck and AP is awesome.
Ow you sure about that? Yeah if this is the case it could be the awnser of the damn thing.
I'll try it to see what all this change. FMJ are not affected i guess? So it would make 10mm, AP 5mm AP, 14mm AP and Needles with the penetrate finally?
AP needles have this perk (if I remember well), but they are not IG anymore.
Ammo who have this perk:
10mm AP
5mm AP
AP rocket
Also, some weapons have this perk (.223 pistol, magneto laser...)
PS: On the french wiki we made a good recapiculative board of ammunitions, look at the bottom of the page: http://www.fallout-3.com/wiki/Munitions::2238
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