Other > Faction Announcements
The Reactor Punks - Recruitment.
I am from a small faction (around 7 people) all from North Carolina. We are anti pk and try to guard miners when we mine, but are often killed in the process. I think we have similar ideals and we could both benefit from an alliance. Let me know if you're interested. I have a sniper armorer 3 character that can join you if you want to do some kind of a faction exchange program, and we can admit one of your chars if you so please.
Putting my name up somewhere.
I can't prove that I'm from U.S. cus I don't have facebook... What if I said I have the ability to look at porn on the internet here? :P
Or... watch Jackie Chan?
Michael is from US I hunted with him before.
Reactor punks FTW???
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